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4/16/08 Kif-kif, aka Moroccan-Style Who's On First

Who’s on First, Moroccan-Style

Setting: Common Room.
Houda and Saadia are running a session on Food in Morocco.

Houda: …Lemons. Lemons are called l-Hamd, from the word for “sour”, “Hamd”.
Saadia writes “l-Hamd” on the whiteboard.
PCTs copy “l-Hamd” into their notebooks.
Houda: L-Hamd.
PCTs, in unison: L-Hamd.
Houda: They are also called citron, from the French.
Saadia writes “citron” on the whiteboard.
PCTs copy “citron” into their notebooks.
Houda: Citron.
PCTs, in unison: Citron.
Houda: They mean the same.
Saadia: The same. Citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif.
PCTs: Citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif.
PCT 1: Kif-kif?
Saadia: Kif-kif is the same.
PCT 1: Kif-kif is the same?
Houda: Yes.
Saadia writes “kif-kif” on the whiteboard.
PCTs copy “kif-kif” into their notebooks.
PCT 2, to PCT 1: What was “kif-kif”?
PCT 1: It means lemon. The same as citron and l-Hamd.
PCT 2, to Houda: It means lemon?
Houda: No.
PCT 1, to Saadia: Citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif? The same?
Saadia: Yes.
PCT 1, to PCT 2: Yeah, it means lemon. She must have misunderstood you.
PCT 2, to Saadia: Kif-kif means the same? Like citron and l-Hamd?
Saadia: Yes.
PCT 1: So kif-kif means lemon.
Saadia: No.
PCT 1: Citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif?
Saadia: Yes.
PCT 2: Wait, what? What is kif-kif?
Saadia: The same. Citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif.
PCT 1: So it means lemon?
Saadia: No.
PCT 1: Citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif?
Saadia: Yes.
PCT 2: So it means the same?
Saadia: Yes.
PCT 1: So kif-kif is lemon?
Saadia: What?
PCT 1: Kif-kif. The same. Citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif.
Saadia: Yes, kif-kif.
PCT 2: So kif-kif means lemon?
Saadia: No. Citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif. The same.
PCT 1: Citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif.
Saadia: Yes.
PCT 2: So kif-kif is the same.
Saadia: Yes.
PCT 1: So kif-kif means lemon.
Saadia: No.
PCT 2: Citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif.
Saadia: Yes.
PCT 1: They are the same.
Saadia: Yes.
PCT 2: So they all mean lemon.
Saadia: No.
PCT 1 & 2 look at each other, whimper.
PCT 1: So what is kif-kif?
Saadia: It means the same.
PCT 2: The same as citron and l-Hamd?
Saadia: Yes, the same, like citron and l-Hamd.
PCT 1: So kif-kif­ means lemon.
Saadia: No, citron, l-Hamd, kif-kif. The same.
PCT 1&2: Kif-kif?
Saadia: Kif-kif.
Houda: Kif-kif.

1 comment:

  1. Actually kif-kif is in the French dictionary too, and understood by the French people !


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